Methylergometrine Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action DrugBank Online


There were no significant differeneces in the radioimmunologically determined plasma concentrations of methylergometrine, nor in its 32-hour cumulative urinary excretion after a sinlge .250-mg p.o. dose of Methergin (Sandoz) or Myomergin (Leiras). Peak plasma concentrations were obtained as early as 0.5 hours after the drug administration.

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Myomergin ® (methylergonovine maleate) Tablets, USP (methylergonovine maleate) Injection, USP. Rx only. DESCRIPTION. Myomergin ® (methylergonovine maleate) is a semi-synthetic ergot alkaloid used for the prevention and control of postpartum hemorrhage.. Myomergin is available in sterile ampuls of 1 mL, containing 0.2 mg Myomergin for intramuscular or intravenous injection and in tablets for.

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Melansir dari MIMS, berikut aturan dan dosis methylergometrine untuk mencegah pendarahan setelah melahirkan. Oral: 0,2 mg 3—4 kali sehari dalam masa nifas selama 2—7 hari. Intramuskular: 200 mcg. Dapat diulang setiap 2—4 jam dengan maksimal 5 dosis. Intravena: sebagai langkah darurat, 200 mcg melalui injeksi lambat selama setidaknya.

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The myOrigins® sidebar displays information about your origins and the origins you share with your Family Finder™ matches. Your origins are composed of Super Populations categorized by Continental Region. Each Super Population is then broken down even further into what we call Population Clusters. The sidebar contains the myOrigins® tab and.


Myomergin adalah obat yang memiliki kandungan zat aktif methylergometrine maleate, dengan bentuk sediaan injeksi yang diproduksi oleh Ethica. Myomergin digunakan untuk perawatan pasca operasi. Myomergin bekerja dengan secara langsung merangsang kontraksi otot polos uterus dan vaskular. Myomergin digunakan untuk mecegah perdarahan uterus pasca.

Methylergometrine Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action DrugBank Online

Serotonin Antagonists. The antiserotonin migraine-preventive drugs are potent 5-HT 2B and 5-HT 2C receptor antagonists. Methysergide is a semisynthetic ergot alkaloid that is structurally related to methylergonovine. It is a 5-HT 2 receptor antagonist and 5-HT 1B /5-HT D agonist. It was probably the first drug developed for migraine prevention.

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Myomergin is an ergot alkaloid, which directly stimulates contractions of uterine and vascular smooth muscle. Myomergin is a semisynthetic ergot alkaloid and a derivative of ergonovine and is used for the prevention and control of postpartum and post-abortion hemorrhage. In general, the effects of all the ergot alkaloids appear to results from.

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Dosis Myomergin Injection. Obat Myomergin Injection (Methylergometrine) diberikan dengan dosis berikut : Pengendalian perdarahan uterus dalam keadaan darurat. 0.2 mg secara injeksi Intravena. Subinvolution, puerperium dan lochiometral bleeding. 0.5-1 mL secara injeksi Intramuskular. Operasi caesar.

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Pharmacodynamics. Methylergometrine is a semisynthetic ergot alkaloid and a derivative of ergonovine and is used for the prevention and control of postpartum and post-abortion hemorrhage. In general, the effects of all the ergot alkaloids appear to results from their actions as partial agonists or antagonists at adrenergic, dopaminergic, and.

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Myomergin is a blood vessel constrictor and smooth muscle agonist most commonly used to prevent or control excessive bleeding following childbirth and spontaneous or elective abortion. It also causes uterine contractions to aid in expulsion of retained products of conception after a missed abortion (miscarriage in which all or part of the fetus remains in the uterus) and to help deliver the.

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Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan. Apakah Aman Menggunakan Myomergin Saat Mengemudi atau Mengoperasikan Mesin? Jika Anda mengalami gejala efek samping seperti mengantuk, pusing, gangguan penglihatan, gangguan pernapasan, jantung berdebar, dan lain-lain setelah menggunakan Myomergin, yang dapat mempengaruhi kesadaran atau kemampuan dalam mengemudi maupun mengoperasikan mesin, maka sebaiknya Anda.

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Description: Mechanism of Action: Methylergometrine is an ergot alkaloid. It increases the tone, rate and amplitude of uterine contractions which shortens the third stage of labour and reduces blood loss. Synonym: methylergonovine. Onset: 5-10 minutes (oral); 2-5 minutes (IM). Duration: Approx 3 hours (oral/IM). Pharmacokinetics:

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Methylergometrine concentrations in the maternal plasma and breast milk were determined by a radioimmunoassay during continuous treatment with 0.125 mg of methylergometrine 3 times daily. On the fifth postpartum day at 8:00 a.m. the patients (n=8) took 2 tablets of Myomergin (0.250 mg of methylergom.

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Technical details about Myomergin, learn more about the structure, uses, toxicity, action, side effects and more

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